Tornado Season Is Approaching - Here’s How To Prepare
If you live in a tornado season, you’re well aware that tornadoes can strike at any moment. However, typically they occur most often in the spring and summer months. Tornadoes can cause extensive damage to structures and destroy anything in their direct path. Spring is almost here, which means tornado season is approaching. Now is a great time to be sure you’re prepared for the season so that you can keep yourself and your family safe.
How To Stay Safe Now That Tornado Season Is Approaching
With tornado season approaching, you and your family will feel much safer and more prepared if you use the following tips.
Prepare Your Home For Tornado Season
You don’t have to wait for tornado season to secure your home. Some preparations are time-consuming and involved working with professionals, so it might be safer to get a jump on them now! The American Red Cross suggests trimming your trees and removing diseased or damaged limbs to avoid excess debris. It might also be a good idea to install permanent shutters on windows so that you can quickly close them during severe weather. Another good idea is to strengthen your garage door to protect your vehicles inside.
Another way you can prepare is to set up alerts or notifications from Emergency Alert Systems so that you always know when a storm might be on the way.
If you have enough time before a tornado strikes, it might be a good idea to secure anything loose in your yard, like lawn furniture and firewood, or anything that might become a projectile during the storm. You don’t want your lawn items to become a source of danger when the wind picks up.
Make A Plan For Your Family
Another way to prepare now that tornado season is approaching is to create a paper copy of all family contact information. Any important information you think of that you might need, just in case! This could include information for people or places like doctors, insurance companies, schools, and more. If a storm is approaching, make sure you contact family outside of town and let them know your plan.
Additionally, be sure that every member of your household knows each other’s phone numbers and has the information for your chosen emergency contact. You can create an easy “In Case of Emergency” List that you can keep on your person and maybe even one in your storm shelter if you have one.
It might also be a good idea that your children and outside family members have a phone that enables text messages. Text messages can often get around network disruptions when a phone call might not be able to get through. As we mentioned above, subscribe to alert services so that no one is taken by surprise.
Bring your family together every few months to discuss where they should go and what they should do if a storm does strike. Reviewing the plan will give them the confidence to react calmly in a dangerous situation.
Build An Emergency Kit
If you already have a safe room or storm shelter in place, you can build an emergency kit for your family and store it inside. It might also be a good idea to keep a kit inside your car or office as well, just to be safe. Here’s what we suggest including in your kit:
- One gallon of water per person, per day for three days
- Nonperishable foods and snacks
- Battery-powered radio or an NOAA weather radio (plus extra batteries)
- First aid kit
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- A loud whistle to signal for help
- Moist towelettes and garbage bags for sanitation
- Can opener for canned food
- Chargers and portable chargers for cell phones
- Basic Tool Kit
- Extra blankets and clothing
- A list of emergency numbers
Get Peace of Mind With Valley Storm Shelter
With tornado season approaching, nothing will give you more peace than having the best storm shelter available. Don’t compromise your safety by being unprepared, especially if you live in an area with frequent storms and extreme weather. Though you never know exactly when a storm will strike, you can stay prepared by having a plan in place and a shelter that has been tested more than any other shelter on the market.
Let Valley Storm Shelters show you all of our different solutions to help ensure your family’s safety. Contact us today and let us show how easy it is to survive a storm.