Should You Invest In Above Ground Shelters?
Storm shelters are crucial when you live in tornado alley or are at risk of getting hit by a hurricane. If you’re often faced with the harsh reality of severe storms that frequently hit your area, then you’ll definitely want to invest in a storm shelter. Are you confused about the kinds of shelters on the market and aren’t sure which option is best for your family? Here we will discuss the benefits of above ground shelters and why we think they are the best choice when it comes to keeping your family safe.
5 Reasons You Should Consider Above Ground Shelters
Below ground or above ground - which shelter offers more protection? We know that commonly the common belief has been that underground shelters are safer, but the truth is that both options have their merits. In recent years, more evidence has proven that above ground shelters might be the better choice for most families.
In fact, Larry Tanner, from the Texas Tech University Wind Science & Engineering Research Center, said, “In my 15 years of doing storm damage research and storm shelter research, we have never documented any deaths or injuries in above ground tested safe-rooms or failures of tested safe-rooms.”
When put to the test, above ground shelters did their job and held up against even the harshest tornadoes, and saved many lives. Let’s go over some of the reasons why you should consider installing an above ground shelter in your home or workplace today.
They Are Just As As Safe (Or Safer!) Than Below Ground Shelters
As we mentioned, above ground shelters are just as safe as below ground shelters. As long as they are built according to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) standards, there is no reason why an above ground shelter wouldn’t be able to keep you and your family safe.
All our products are fabricated in-house, using the highest quality materials available, complying with FEMA 361, FEMA 320, and ICC 500 standards. In addition, we think that above ground shelters might even have the advantage because there’s no risk of water getting trapped inside, a possibility that comes with below ground safe rooms. You also will have fewer pest and insect problems with above ground shelters.
They Can Be Placed Anywhere On Your Property
Unlike underground safe rooms, your above ground storm shelter can be installed practically anywhere. Closets, garages - anywhere you like! Though they do take up some square footage depending on where you install them, you can hide them in a back shed or disguise them in your garage so that you can have a safe place to retreat to when emergencies strike.
Above Ground Shelters Are Handicap Accessible
One huge bonus that comes with above ground shelters is that they are handicap accessible. For example, suppose you live with elderly parents or someone who uses a wheelchair to get around. In that case, you understand how frustrating climbing up and down stairs can be, especially during a weather emergency. Avoid stairs altogether with an above ground shelter.
These options are also more accessible for pets to get in and out of, as many pets might be uncomfortable going underground or using the stairs to a below ground unit.
Can Be Used As A Panic Room
You can also use your shelter as a panic room if, god forbid, intruders try to enter your home. Above ground safe rooms can be installed discreetly in a closet or pantry so that you and your family can be safe no matter what.
Many people also use above ground safe rooms as a place to store their valuables. So if a tornado or hurricane destroys your house and belongings, you can rest assured knowing your most important documents are safe inside your shelter. Things like birth certificates, insurance papers, the deed to your house, and whatever else has value. Keep those important documents and family heirlooms safe inside.
You’ll Never Be Trapped Inside An Above Ground Shelter
Lastly, with above-ground storm shelters from Valley Storm Shelters, you’ll never be at risk of being trapped inside due to fallen debris. Our doors open inwards so that even if everything crumbles around the shelter, you and your family will be able to escape once the coast is clear.
Conclusion - Let Us Show You The Valley Difference
Here at Valley Storm Shelters, we are the leading designer and manufacturer of safe rooms and above ground storm shelters. We construct each unit to withstand 300 MPH ground speed wind equivalent to that of an EF-5 tornado. In addition, every single storm shelter we sell has been tested by the Texas Tech Wind Science and Engineering Research Center.
When you want to protect your family when the weather turns chaotic and dangerous, then you want to turn to Valley Storm Shelters. Browse through our shelter options, watch our videos proving that our design and materials hold up, and then get in touch with our experts today. We’ll answer your questions, help you find the solution you need, and give you peace of mind. Start here.